Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New jobs!

Well, the blog has paid off. No Quarter has been fortunate to get some new work through my collection I've put up and the topics I've discussed. Thank you to all my readers! Google Analytics tells me you're out there, so I continue to post new things. I'm not gonna give away what I got cooking, but I'll be sure to post the results as they happen.

I've been busy since the weekend, so I haven't got to much. Finally nice weather in Wisconsin. Too bad summer is over and it gets nice out. I was able to finish up some pictures for my sister. She wanted a photojournalist feel, which is a good idea, but the dogs didn't cooperate much. So it turned to a couple attempts at "posing" them. One of the results below. A couple more here.
sitting on the stump
The first real "job" I had was at her wedding a bit over 5 years ago. The photographer she hired let me shoot from a distance. I ended up getting some of the best people pictures I've taken to this day. I entered the below picture to a couple contests and ended up placing every time. No tricks, it came out that way from the camera.
I'm not a fan of shooting weddings any more. They're good work, but I don't like the stress of the event. I enjoy the more laid back, personal portraits that I've been doing as of late. I'll take the time to promote a local photographer that does weddings, Sarah Spottswood. She is a lovely lady and very personal. She shoots with her husband. Their blog is located here. I had the oppurtunity to speak to her lately and I was very impressed. Check it out. Not cheap, but they do some great work.

A quick follow up to my posting regarding the 9-9-09 sale at Art's Camera: terrible service! The email receipt said a next day return. I figured that they would be swamped, so I gave them an extra day. Sure enough, not ready. I make a second trip to find my pictures were ready, but my assistant's were not. She was steamed and had a lengthy phone conversation with the manager. End result was free shipping, so we don't have to go back. 

Still working on senior pictures. They were fun. It was hard to catch one of her not smiling.
point and smile
I continue to put new pictures on flickr. I'm hoping to put up a wish list of sorts. Pictures that I would like to recreate if someone is so inclined to work with me.

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