Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photojojo review

Oh let's see... Well, its been a week since I last posted. Been busy. I attended a wedding last weekend.  A good friend of mine is getting married this Friday. Plans of home improvements are just that, plans.

I have a twitter account mostly for new and pop culture. Through one of the people I follow, I can across this website and book from it.  Both have a great variety of DIY photo ideas and projects. Some are crafty, some artsy. All told, there are 50 different projects which are presented in an easy to understand format. I look forward to trying a couple during the winter.  There's already a lot of praise for the book and its readily available at or Barnes & Noble.

During the week, I put up some new pictures on flickr, like usual. This one must've been tagged as "interesting" and ended up on the frontpage, because I got a huge amount of view. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

times square by night
This is a picure from Times Square, New York City. The building to the left is MTV studios. This was more of an experiment, than anything. I didn't have my tripod, so I rested it against a nearby pole, adjusted the settings, and took lots of shots. Some were too blurry, but this one turned out nicely.

While I appreciate all the views, my photo assistant doesn't like that she's been trumped. She's inspired to try some new things and hopefully come up with something that'll win your love once again.

Fall TV shows have started up. Nothing really interests me, aside from Heroes. A new show I got into recently is Project Runway. Now, I'm a straight guy, but I think the show is fabulous. I'm not a fashion person, which is clear by what i choose to wear day to day, but I DVR it every week. If you've never seen it and don't mind reality shows, check it out on Thursday nights.

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