Saturday, July 25, 2009

Senior Pictures

This weekend was spent taking senior pictures. The weather turned out to be very different than expected. The weatherman predicted thunderstorms , but as I looked to the sky, nothing but blue. Go figure. The humidity even passed.

Anywho, this particular senior had lots of personality, which made it easy. It was hard for her to make a serious face or do anything besides smile and laugh. She only had some rough ideas of what she wanted to do, so it was a lot of experimentation to see what exactly she liked. She wanted some in black and white and I have a couple more ideas for some other shots, so we'll see what I can come up with.

Finally, thanks to followers of this blog. I know I don't update daily or have lots of bright colors to look at, but the support encourages me to do so. I'll continue to post in hopes that I can share my passion with others.

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